A table of the election results in Brentwood and Ongar

Gareth Barrett achieves a 20% swing from Conservatives to Labour

Across the country Labour has made huge gains, and although we haven’t won in Brentwood and Ongar, our result is big.

We have made a huge impact on the Conservative vote and reduced the LibDems to half of the Labour vote, making it clear that we not they are the main challenge to the right in Brentwood and Ongar.

Our campaign consisted of two leaflets widely distributed by a dedicated team of leafleters across the whole constituency – Abridge in the south west to Willingale in the North East, two hustings and four street stalls.

In addition we helped elect Chris Vince in Harlow and were noted to be one of the most active supporting campaign teams in the Eastern Region, thanks to many members stepping up and well organised by Gareth Barrett.


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